Company name: CGP ONLINE
S.A. (Société Anonyme) with capital of 60,000 €
Registered with RCS Bourges, number 823 146 295
48 route de Bourges 18110 Saint-Georges-sur-Moulon
Tel: +33 2 48 64 56 36
CGP ONLINE is managed by Frédéric FROISSART
Web design: Clic-en-Berry
Contact: Joffrey Cadène
Hosting: 1&1
Address: 1&1 Internet SARL 7, place de la Gare BP 70109.
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
Tel: +33(0)970 808 911 (standard rate)
Fax: +33(0)3 87 95 99 72.
Secure payment: CREDIT AGRICOLE
Publishing manager: Frédéric FROISSART
The Site, and the entirety of its contents, are protected by copyright, trademarks, industrial designs, patents and/or any other intellectual property right. The aforementioned contents of the Site include: photographs, images, drawings, illustrations, text, videos, logos, screensavers, wallpapers, brands, industrial designs and software but this list is not exhaustive. This content belongs to CGP ONLINE or is used with the permission of the rights holders.
In respect of this content, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or commercialisation, whether of the whole or part, through any means and in any format whatsoever (paper, digital...) is forbidden, without the prior written permission of CGP ONLINE, save for the exceptions set out in article L122.5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any breach of this protection will constitute a criminal offence of infringement of copyright and/or industrial design and/or trade mark.
The automatic processing of personal information has been declared to the National Commission of Information Technology and Freedoms (CNIL) under the number 2101662.
In accordance with the Information Technology and Freedoms Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modification, rectification and erasure of any data relating to you. You can exercise these rights by sending a letter to us at the following address:
Service Client
48 route de Bourges 18110 Saint-Georges-sur-Moulon
Tel: +33 2 48 64 56 36
Personal information that you provide to CDG ONLINE is stored on our web host's secure servers (with the exception of bank details). Access to this information is protected and limited to the recording and processing of your orders, statistical uses allowing us to improve our services, and other services such as newsletters, photo alerts, recommendations and referrals.
When you pay for an order on, your bank details are directly transmitted to the secure server of Crédit Agricole. Your bank details are encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. They are not openly communicated over the internet and cannot be intercepted. CGP ONLINE will not be able to see your bank details.
This site uses and stores cookies in order to process your basket and your order. A cookie is a small file containing text information, stored on the web browser of your computer or mobile device. They are used to ensure optimum functionality of the site and of the basket system.
Similarly, our site uses Google Analytics, provided by Google Inc. to gather and analyse statistics on visits to the site. Data relating to your browsing and use of the site are transmitted and stored by Google Inc. on their servers.
Google Analytics' terms of use state that Google uses this data to assess your use of the site and to generate reports about site activity for the board.
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